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Why a Premium Domain Name Makes Sense for Your Business

Premium domains have already been registered and are considered valuable — they’re shorter and keyword-rich, and that’s often reflected in their cost. Despite the initial investment, they could end up saving you marketing dollars over time as you won’t need to spend money slinging a second-rate domain name.

But what other advantages do premium domain names offer?

The benefits of using a premium domain name for business

Premium domain names give your business an advantage over the competition. Let’s explore how and why that is.

Branding & Recognition

Branding your business is essential, and there’s a lot to a brand, including your domain name. Consistency is essential to your brand, and that includes having a domain name that speaks to what your business and site are all about. Premium domain names like,, and are all great examples of this, and put your business’s specialty and focus front and center.


A great premium domain name gives your marketing efforts a boost. Since premium domains are often shorter and contain keywords, they’re easier to remember than a subpar domain name that’s riddled with hyphens and numbers.

This all works in your favor when it comes to marketing, like word-of-mouth marketing, because your customers will have an easier time recalling your domain and sharing it with others. It also helps people retain and remember your domain name when they see it printed on materials, like business cards or flyers. In the long run, a premium domain name can save you money because people are wont to remember it — you won’t waste funds on constantly getting your mediocre domain name in front of peoples’ faces to try and cajole them into visiting your site.

Credibility & Authority

In business, credibility is vital. In today’s digital age, a domain name is oftentimes the first interaction someone has with a brand. Your domain name can make or break someone’s first impression of your business and site.

Let’s set the scenario: You’re looking to buy a new car and want to take out a loan, but you’re not sure who to work with so you hop over to Google and run an online search. Now, you’re going to see a TON of results — but what will you click on — a search result with a domain of, or a search result with a domain like

When it comes to first impressions, premium domain names give you credibility and authority over the competition.

Website Traffic

Premium domain names are more likely to get you direct, type-in traffic on your website.

What this means is that people are typing your (short & keyword-friendly) premium domain name into the URL bar to search those keywords instead of using a dedicated search engine. And voila! They land on your site because your premium domain matches their search terms. Direct website traffic is a boon for your business — in fact, direct traffic is known to have high conversion rates.

SEO Benefits

SEO can seem mystifying — is it a science? Is it some kind of wizardry? SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing your website so that it performs better in online search results.

The whole point of SEO is to make sure that the sites that are most useful and relevant to the end user’s query surface first in the results.

If your domain name is shorter and key-word rich, like with premium domains, it’s more likely to appear higher in the search results. Now, granted, you have to actually have a relevant website, too. Long gone are the days when just a keyword could grant you top placement. But if you have those keywords in your domain name and have a good website, your SEO potential grows drastically.


What Factors Make a Domain Name Valuable?

Knowing whether you have a valuable domain on your hands doesn’t require a ton of work, but it does require that you understand the factors that lead to a domain being valuable.

Often, the value that a domain holds will be determined by how desirable the domain name is. The list of factors below can help to illuminate whether or not your domain is valuable, but it’s not a science or always right.

There’s always the chance that your strange and unique domain could align with a phrase from another country, or be the ideal name for a new startup.

Overall, the conditions below will be a good indicator of how valuable a domain actually is.

  1. The Associated Top-Level Domain
    Having a domain name with a trustworthy top-level domain (TLD) will go a long way towards making a domain name desirable. For example, the domain “” will have much more value than the domain “” Typically, more standard and popular TLDs will always be a better bet.

For the new startup,Some of the most popular TLDs include .com, .ltd, .net, and .group. However, other combinations could hold value, providing they make sense. For instance, the domain “” could be valuable to some businesses.

  1. Any Keywords Present
    If your domain name has a popular keyword in it, this could also help to improve its value. For example, “” would be a valuable domain for the Artificial intelligence car Inc. Exact match domain names don’t hold as much value as they used to, but having the right keywords in a domain can increase how desirable your domain name is.
  2. The Length of the Domain
    Generally, the shorter a domain name, the more valuable it will be. Now, this won’t always be true. For example, the domain “” won’t be very valuable. But, taken as a whole, domains with few words or short phrases will hold more value. Shorter domains are much easier to remember and more straightforward to market overall. You can easily build a business around a shorter domain, while it may be more difficult with a longer domain.

But there are exceptions, “” perfectly matches your job and business.

  1. The Overall Brandability of the Domain
    The brandability of a domain can be hard to define. But, it’s still a significant factor when people are choosing a domain name. Essentially, good brand names are memorable, unique, and catchy. Think of brands and domains like,,
  2. Existing Site and Traffic
    If you’re selling a domain name and the site is already getting traffic, or has an existing backlink profile, then you can typically get much more for the domain.

An interested buyer could be purchasing the domain for the name and the SEO power alone. They could be interested in taking over your website. Or, they could be using it for the sheer SEO power alone and forwarding your domain to their existing site.

Older domains also tend to be more valuable than a brand new domain. So, if you have an old domain, even if you haven’t done anything with the domain, it can still be more valuable than a domain you registered a few months ago.


Guide to Branding: Brand Strategy and Marketing

When it comes to business, branding is key. It’s what sets you apart from the competition in the marketplace. That’s why it’s important to focus on your brand strategy.

What is Brand Strategy and Marketing?

A strong brand strategy helps you present a unified, consistent brand identity in market: Ranging from your site design, to your social media profiles, and even to how you communicate with customers.
A good brand strategy helps you understand your business values and directs your brand to grow in manners beneficial to both your business and customers. It’ll help you communicate with your audience clearly and effectively, attract the right customers, and positions your brand in a way that helps you grow your market share.

Why is Brand Strategy Important?

Crafting a brand strategy helps you understand who you are and what matters to your business, like your values and mission. Those are vitally important to understand when making marketing and business decisions.

How to Create a Brand Strategy

Before sitting down to create your brand strategy, it’s good to have the following information at hand:
1.Who’s your target audience?
2.Who’s your competition?
Once you have that information handy, it’s time to start strategizing. So, let’s do it. To build your brand strategy, follow the steps below.

Understanding the Core of Your Brand

Your business holds a set of core beliefs that drives and influences every aspect of your brand. You can think of these beliefs as your business values or your mission.
It’s essential that you start your brand strategy by diving into the heart of your brand and determining your values. These values and your core brand can then be shared with your audience and in market through messaging and visual representations.

Define Your Brand Voice and Messaging

Now that you understand what makes your brand tick, it’s time to figure out how to communicate that to your customers and in the market. You can think of this as an exercise in brand messaging.
To craft the best brand messaging, you’ll need to understand three things:
1.Your brand’s personality.
2.What voice to us.
3.What tone to take.
Once you’ve defined your brand messaging, it’ll be so much easier to communicate effectively and talk about who you are in market. Your brand messaging and voice should be used when sharing your brand story, making a pitch, or making a promise to your customers.

Define Your Brand’s Visual Identity

Your brand expresses itself through colors, images, and icons just as much as it does with words. When crafting your visual identity keep in mind that you’re designing not just for your immediate needs, but for your brand’s future, too.

Translating Your Brand Strategy into Brand Guidelines

Translating your brand strategy into a tangible document that contains your brand guidelines is an essential step in achieving business success. Having this information documented not only keeps you accountable, but it makes it easy to share with whomever needs the information, whether that be employees or an outside contractor.

Putting Your Brand into Market

Ready to take your business and brand into the market? Congrats!
Now that you’ve established your brand strategy, you’ve set yourself up for success.


Domain Valuation Guide – Factors That Determine Domain Worth

There’s a lot to consider when you’re trying to determine the value of your domain name. To perform an accurate appraisal, you need to understand how these factors can make a website successful and why they’re important.

Relevant Keywords
Having solid keywords in your domain name can drive up the value significantly. Getting noticed online is all about Search Engine Optimization, which relies heavily on keywords. Keywords are what people use to find new products, sites, and services pertaining to their particular search queries. If you have a keyword right in your domain name, the website will appear higher up on search engine rankings. Thus, increasing visibility.

Companies can spend several thousands of dollars just to get their site noticed. Many will utilize Google AdWords and pay for exposure on certain keyword searches. All of that can be avoided with a solid domain name, which is why this factor is important.

The most lucrative domains have utilized broad keywords that can easily be adapted to the needs of the buyer. Some examples include,, and Big corporations snatched these up for millions of dollars and have gone on to do big things, proving that the large investment was well worth it.

Checking the Popularity of Keywords
If you’re unsure about any words in your domain name, you can turn to Google for more information. Google Trends allows you to see how the popularity of keywords rises and falls over time. You can even see how many monthly searches are made. When you’re determining your domain’s value, use this tool to accurately gauge where those keywords currently stand.

While your domain may consist of a recognizable keyword, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s relevant to what end-users are after. Check to see how popular the word is to determine how it affects the domain’s overall value.

Top-Level Domain
There are numerous TLDs available. However, most people are only familiar with the generic ones. Domain extensions like .com, .net,, and more have been around for a very long time. They’re instantly recognizable. As a result, most people stick with URLs that end with these extensions. Despite all of the fun and quirky TLDs that have been made available in the past couple of years, Internet users still view the old favorites as more trustworthy.

Regular Traffic
The success of the domain can also be a driving force during valuation. Established websites already have an audience, which makes things much easier for anyone who purchases the domain. If the site is monetized, the value can go up even further. You would be giving a stream of passive income, so monetization efforts are always considered when appraising a domain name.

Domains that have been around for a long time have a higher value because they help with SEO. Search engines tend to rank established sites higher up on results pages. Though, this only applies if the domain has been active. Parked domains or those that only display ads for monetization aren’t as valuable. Search engines like Alexa and Google pay attention to value-driven content, so parked domains don’t have as much leverage in negotiations.

You can also use the age of the domain and its contents during sales discussions. Sites with years of content hold a much higher value than those that were established only a few months ago.

This refers to how the domain name looks and feels. It can be difficult to apply monetary value based on branding, as your domain name’s appeal can be different from person to person. Like we mentioned earlier, the domain name is something that going to be associated with the company or person who buys it.

A unique attention-grabbing domain is much easier to market than one that’s just a string of letters. Think about how your domain name could be applied to different industries. It doesn’t even have to be a real word. If it sounds good as a company name, you may be able to find a generous buyer for it. There have been many instances where businesses changed their name to fit a domain rather than the other way around.

Number of Characters
When it comes to URLs, short and sweet is always preferred. Shorter domain names are easier to remember and can be used a number of different ways. Unfortunately, many short names have already been registered. This is especially true with a basic TLD like .com. Most buyers would rather pay more for an available short domain than save money and have a new domain name that’s difficult to type out.

How do you choose the best domain name for business online to be booming?

1. Thoughtfully Choose a TLD

A TLD (Top Level Domain) is your website’s extension. This is the .co, .com, .org, etc, after your website name. With this decision, there are some factors to consider. The .com is going to be by far the most classic and popular TLD out there. This has always been the most recognizable TLD. However, with that being said, there are also more domain names with this TLD than with any other TLD. This means the choices are limited and the chances are that your desired domain name has already been taken by someone else. The .net, .org, .co, and .biz TLDs are the next popular TLDs by a wide margin, but will provide you with greater chances of scoring your desired domain name. However, going for the .com first is probably the wisest starting place.

For example,,

2. Use Keywords in the Domain Name Itself

When a search engine such as Google or Bing searches the web using specific keywords, it considers the domain name of websites as a keyword to determine the type of content of that given website. So, let’s say for example that someone is looking for a robot toy company. The domain and would be more discoverable by search engines would be.. There are some tools out there that make choosing keywords much easier. However, be wary of over doing it. A domain name with too many keywords can appear tacky and suspicious, causing people to avoid visiting your site.

3. Keep It Short and Simple

The whole point is that your domain name is easily memorable by viewers. A domain name that is too complex, too long, or too wordy can have a negative impact on your online presence. Having a short and simple domain name will be easier for people to remember and search for you. It will also leave a better online footprint when it comes to brand recognition. In addition to this it is also best to stay away from the use of periods or hyphens in the middle of the domain name itself, as this adds to the difficulty of remembering and spelling.

For example,AIsys.Group,AIpost.VIP

4. Allow for Room to Grow

You want to have a domain name that is unique, because it sets you apart. You also want one that represents and defines your identity accurately. With this being said, however, being overly specific can easily trap you in the future on the chances that you want your website to expand into other categories. This requires you to think ahead, be a visionary, and consider the possibilities. For example, if you currently specialize in CNY settlement business, it may be best to steer clear from a domain name such as What if in the future you want to other financial business as well? A better option might be


Having a well thought out and strategic domain name is crucial. It will help you to have flexible online presence and will help you to be discoverable on the web. It also helps to reinforce your credibility and legitimize your site, as well as establish brand recognition and memorability. Having a popular Top Level Domain (TLD) will increase your discoverability as well. Choosing a short and simple domain name that contains relevant keywords will help your website to be memorable, recognizable, and will help build an online reputation. Finally, a domain name that is specific and yet general enough to leave room for expansion and growth down the road is a smart approach when make your domain commitment.



Think of a domain name as the very face and identity of your presence online. Your domain name could be the very factor that determines how many visitors you have to your website, or if you have visitors at all. The more visitors to your website, the more opportunities open up for your business, blog, or whatever you use your website for. With over 350 million domain names globally, it is important to take into consideration what makes your website worth seeing, and what will make your website come to the surface in the midst of the internet ocean. Let’s take a look at some of the most important reasons why strategically choosing a domain name is worth the time and effort, as well as some helpful hints to assist in the decision making process.

Domain Names Help Maintain a Fluid Web Presence

Whenever a URL is visited or searched for, its presence online begins to grow and gain momentum. A URL is basically the server of a specific website. A domain name can be given to the URL that makes it uniquely its own. If you’re unhappy with your domain name and decide to switch it up, you’d have to start building all over, as the address has changed. There are some exceptions; unique blogs, services, or company domain names can switch their domain without losing all of the credibility and presence previously gained.

Domain Names Reinforce Brand Recognition

Business domain names that match the name of the business itself are much easier to remember and search for by customers wanting to find you on the web. When a customer or inquirer wants to search for your blog, business, or service online, it is an incredible help and convenience for the domain name to be the same. This builds credibility as a legitimate entity and helps to build a respected name. The obvious result? More traffic is generated for your website and your web presence increases.

Domain Names Help Establish Reputation

All in all, having a proper domain name that is easily discoverable helps to establish you as being innovative and relevant. Overall, this helps to legitimize your website and build credibility with your audience. Things which prove tech-savvy and professional in today’s modern world are typically elevated over those which seem “behind the times”. This makes having a discoverable and credible domain name crucial for any online entity. Without a good domain name on the web you run the risk of appearing old fashioned and outdated.

Domain Names Increase Discoverability on the Web

Without a domain name, or with a domain name that is either overly generic or overly specific, it is very unlikely to gain any sort of consistent random traffic online other than traffic coming from those who intentionally search for your website due to prior knowledge, such as friends, family, and clients. This leaves your website lost and never to be found in the plethora of domain names that saturate the world wide web. Having a strategically chosen domain name causes your search engine ranking to rise. This means you will be much more recognizable on the web, resulting in an increase of random traffic to your website. As your site develops in content and quality, your domain name will become even more recognizable.


Why Having a Domain Name is Important?

Whether you own an existing business or have an idea for a startup, you need a strong online presence. Usually, the first thing your potential customer will do when searching out your product or service is to conduct a web search, and if your website is relatively easy to find and navigate, you’ll greatly increase your chances of a sale.

With the majority of shopping happening on the internet, the dynamic of marketing has changed significantly, and one of the most effective and lasting methods of reaching potential customers is through a well-developed and maintained website. From a marketing standpoint, you can create a lasting brand image with the right domain name.

Benefits of a strong domain name

Deciding and registering a domain name should not be done in haste. It is a valuable marketing and search tool that should successfully lead customers to your site. Careful deliberation and research should be applied, as it might be the most important decision you make when carving out your slice of the online market.

A strong domain name:

  • Adds professional credibility to your business and separates you from the millions of get-rich-quick-scheme websites out there.
  • Provides visibility for your brand. Much like a storefront window, a good domain will create awareness and attract customers.
  • Establishes your business as tech-savvy and forward-thinking. Whether you actually sell products online or not, it is crucial to your reputation to claim your territory online.
  • Creates mobility for your internet presence. If you decide to change web hosting services, relocate to a different country, or shift to using your own in-house server, your domain name stays with you, allowing you to continue to build your brand without having to start all over.
  • Increases your search engine ranking. As you build your business and develop your website with quality content, your domain name will become more and more recognizable in search engines like Google, which draws more customers in your direction.
  • Will provide your brand with marketability around the world, or you can choose to focus specifically in a local region.
  • As opposed to traditional marketing—as long as you keep current with the low annual fees—your domain name will not expire.

How to decide on a domain name

Your brand says everything about you, your values, your identity, and what you promise to deliver. Why should your domain name be any different? Before choosing one, it’s important that you educate yourself on the different styles and types of domain names out there so you can make the best decision for your needs.

A new startup business should select a domain name that parallels—or even better, matches—the company name to direct customers to your site without any confusion. This is a great opportunity to choose a name for your business that is unique and available as a domain before announcing yourself to the world.

If you already own an existing business and your company name or certain keywords you wish to use are not available, a little creativity might be needed to select a domain name. We’ll get into that later in this article.

Length of domain name

It is always better to have a domain name that is short and easy to remember. Ideally, the length should be between 6-10 letters, with 8 being the sweet spot. Simple, concise, and typeable should be the rule over longer, more descriptive names.

The longer the domain, the more opportunity there is for a misspelling when typing. Also, when combining words in a domain, beware of letters that don’t normally link together or are confusing, like for the site Experts Exchange. Not ideal.

Avoid using hyphens and numbers as they can complicate and frustrate users. Always remember: simple is best.


Keywords are words related to the product or service used in a domain name. For instance, This is also known as an Exact Match Domain (EMD).

Although most people assume using keywords or EMDs will drive traffic to their website, Google has changed their algorithm in the past few years to downplay the strict use of keywords and now rewards sites with a strong sense of branding instead. It is Google’s way of weeding out the “noise.”

However, using keywords in a domain isn’t always bad. From a marketing standpoint, you know exactly what they sell at, but beware that you could be looked upon as a spam. This could negatively affect your Google ranking.

You are much better off creating a strong brand image and backing it up with useful and original web content to foster a trusted online presence.

Top-level generic domains (gTLDs) and new top-level domains (nTLDs)

gTLDs and nTLDs are the extensions within your domain name. Far and away the most popular and most effective TLD is .com. It is universally recognizable, easy to remember, and most trusted by web surfers.

The most common list of domain extensions are:

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org (non-profit organizations)

Some TLDs have certain restrictions associated with them. For instance, .biz, .name, and .pro are only assigned to credentialed professionals or businesses.

Sponsored TLDs are overseen by a sponsor who establishes the rules of eligibility for the specified community.

Some sponsored TLDs offers include:

  • .aero: dedicated to members of the aviation community, sponsored by SITA
  • .coop: dedicated to cooperative associations, sponsored by DotCooperation LLC
  • .mobi: dedicated to providers of mobile products and services, sponsored by dotMobi
  • .museum: dedicated to museums, sponsored by the Museum Domain Management Association
  • .jobs: dedicated human resource managers, sponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management

New Top-level domains are released every week and help to fill in the gap from a limited availability of gTLDs. They also help users looking to specifically target a niche market or geographic location. For instance, offers domain name extensions:

  • .coupons
  • .marketing
  • .restaurant
  • .properties
  • .deals
  • .tech
  • .club
  • .wedding
  • .chat
  • .reviews
  • .tours
  • .yoga

These nTLDs can be very useful to create a domain name that quickly and creatively describes your brand or industry. The possibilities are seemingly endless, but now is the time to capitalize on a creative extension since, as with .com, they won’t be available forever.

Country code TLD (ccTLD)

A country-specific TLD can be useful if you conduct your business within a certain country. If you have a moving company in London, for instance, a domain name like will prompt Google to target searches locally in the U.K. directly to your site. A ccTLD narrows the focus of your business to a geo-specific region.

Premium domains

For the most part, a .com address is ideal, but if your desired domain name is not available, don’t despair. Your dream domain might still be available, but it will probably cost you.

A current operating business may be using the domain, but oftentimes, domains are purchased and never used, the company has gone out of business, or the domain was snatched up as an investment and is for sale. These are known as Premium Domains. If you are convinced that your business must have a certain unavailable domain name to succeed, investing in a premium domain name upfront could pay off in the long run.

Benefits of a premium domain

  • Simple, short, and sweet: Since just about all of the common words and phrases are already registered as a domain, going premium might be your only hope to brand your company using a succinct or catchy domain name.
  • Credibility: A highly valued domain will instantly thrust your site into the realm of the top players in your industry, and establish trust with the public that could otherwise take years to develop.
  • Attract more commerce: With a simple and direct premium domain name, such as (taken by CNY wallet) or, people looking for your product or service can bypass a Google search and simply type the address into the search bar and be sent directly to your site.
  • Highly esteemed: Most premium domains have been around for a long time, and have accrued a ton of backlinks, which drive consumers with referrals from other sites to your own. This also has a big impact on the site’s SEO ranking.
  • A solid investment: If your business grows like you hope it will, the value of your premium domain name will also increase. Therefore, it becomes a very desirable asset if you choose to sell it down the road.

The cost of a premium domain name will vary based on several factors, but consider taking a long-term view on its value when formulating your brand.

Investing in premium domains

There are many professional investors who specialize in premium domain names and will resell them later when their value increases. If you see an opportunity to capitalize on the perfect domain name, or several, this could be your chance to start investing. After all, some domain names have skyrocketed in value over the years because of their simplicity, credibility, backlinks, and other valuable advantages.

Here is a look at some of the most highly valued domain names and what they were sold for:

  • – $35.6 million
  • — $35 million
  • – $30.18 million
  • – $18 million
  • – $17 million

If you think that’s something, consider that the domain name was valued at a staggering $872 million when the company was sold for a total of $2.5 billion just a couple of years ago. So, if you have an inkling for the next up-and-coming domain name, jump on it before someone else does!

Domain name alternatives

If your business is not in a place to take on the expense of a premium domain name or if your domain name is already taken, there are many other options you can consider.such as or CrazyIdea.Top

  • Choose a slightly alternate version or an abbreviated version of your desired name. Get creative, but don’t settle for too long a name or anything that could be confusing or unrelated to your business or brand.
  • Use a different domain extension. According to Google, there is no preference given to .com addresses over any other extension. If your business reflects a certain nTLD and will create a memorable web address, go for it!
  • Use a slogan instead of the company name. As long as it’s succinct, recognizable, and will reflect your brand, this could be a good way to generate marketing.

Find a domain name your customers will remember

A strong domain name is important for any size business, at any stage of development. It will entice consumers with a snappy slogan or unique title, it should promote a sense of professionalism and satisfaction, and it should separate your business from others in your industry. Think of it like you’re deciding on a company logo, because the two should go hand-in-hand. Your domain name must be a reflection of your brand, simple, and memorable.
